The ask

I need a place to host web servers for running our services which are ready to generate revenie

Our web app is up, but we need time. Time to onboard customers

List of customers

Traction - all of these customers

● Closed contract worth over $255k with PWRChain as enterprise customer in first month after Alpha product release. See our pricing model

● Closed contract with Manta worth over $200k as Enterprise customer in second month after Alpha product release

● Verbal contract close with Movement on marketing partnership

● Listing of $500k worth of

token and many more upcoming on our DEX

● Gave presentation during demo day for Cintrifuse Accelerator:

Bill of Materials

Service Description Cost
fk-backend-stage Ad Attribution API t2-small
fk-backend-prod Ad Attribution API t2-medium
postgres-stage Running on Ubuntu 20 t2-small
postgres-prod Running on Ubuntu 20 t2-small
ad-attribution-frontend Hosted on t2-small

Our company ran out of AWS and GCP credits. Each week (Saturday) we audit all cloud services and remove all unused/unnecessary services. Even still, we have ran out of cloud credits.

Our team does not have hardware/nor an ISP that has a static IP necessary to host these 5 microservices